Gin Mare
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The Wonderful World Of Spanish Gin

While Spain is renowned for its world-class wines and iconic sangrias, a rising star in the beverage scene is making waves – Spanish gin.

From traditional recipes passed down through generations to innovative blends that push the boundaries of flavor. Here we uncover the unique characteristics that make Spanish gin a force to be reckoned with in the global gin renaissance.

When it comes to gin, I think I know more than most; with my background in hospitality, I have curated more than my fair share of gin ranges. I have even commissioned the creation of our unique gin by award-winning, artisan UK distiller 58 Gin. This led to a passion for and love of quality craft gin.

The UK is blessed with an incredible range of gin’s, and many consider it the epicenter of the gin world. The famous and most popular London Dry style was invented there in the early 19th century.

What I didn’t realize, however, was that gin is huge in Spain. In fact, Spain is No. 1 in the World when it comes to gin drunk per person, and there is nearly twice as much Gin consumed per person in Spain than in the UK! 

So, with that much gin being consumed, there will inevitably be some fantastic distilleries producing world-class gin. It’s not surprising; the sunshine makes everyone fancy a G&T!

Having moved to Mallorca last year, I have made it my mission to seek out the best Spain has to offer when it comes to those artisan gins. The quality and range of gins available are easily on par with the UK. It shouldn’t have been a surprise with the incredible Mediterranean produce many use as botanicals.

So here are my top 10 must-try Spanish gins with over 15 awards between them!

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Maior Gin 40%

This 100% Mallorcan gin is made using local produce, such as figs, rosemary, and oranges from Soller as their botanicals. Resulting in a fruity, fresh med-style gin. Perfect for a sunny afternoon.

Maior Gin Bottle

The name Maior comes from the name given by the Romans, the largest Balearic Island, Mallorca.

Perfect serve – a juicy orange to bring out those citrus flavours.

This gin isn’t widely available off the island, but it is a must-try when you’re here and a staple of my gin collection.

Gin Mare 42.7%

It is a world award-winning gin with a complete gold, silver, and bronze collection. A personal favorite of mine for many years, this is, for me, your classic Mediterranean gin. It is made in a 13th-century monastery in the small fishing town of Villanova. It combines those Med flavors in its botanicals with rosemary, thyme, basil, and olives. All result in an herbal, citrussy gin with a spicy and zesty finish.

Gin Mare Bottle

With over 15kg of olives used in every batch produced

Perfect serve – a fresh sprig of rosemary

Palma Gin 46.6%

Palma Gin Bottle

Another multiple world award winner. One of the first gin’s we discovered from the island, distilled in Mallorca carrying the name of its capital. It’s a hugely impressive gin, not just for its striking bottle but the gin itself. It features a host of local botanicals, juniper, citrus, almond flowers, lavender flowers, orange leaves, and even tomato branches. The orange, juniper, almond, and lavender flowers combine for a gin of depth. The citrus and earthy flavors combine to create an authentic taste of Mallorca. Great in a G&T or a Negroni

Perfect serve – orange zest

Alkkemist Gin 40%

A gin with a complete collection of gold, silver, and bronze national gin awards. With a striking bottle design for this triple distilled grain spirit. It boasts 21 botanicals, including muscat grape, rose petals, orange and lemon zest, samphire, fennel, thyme, and mint.

Alkkemist Gin Bottle

With lemon and lavender on the nose, the grape flavors come to the fore. They are combined with the spicy pepper of the juniper with a juicy orange finish.

Perfect serve – juicy grapes.

Gin Raw 42.3%

Gin Raw

A multiple award-winning gin, this Barcelona gin was developed by a chef, sommelier, mixologist, and master parfumier. It is described as a gastronomic gin and a love letter to Barcelona’s gin bars. It combines lemon peel from Murcia and cedrat peel from Valencia with Indian black cardamom and Egyptian coriander seeds. Distilled in copper stills, this combines the zesty citrus flavors with spice to create a refreshing gin. It is produced in limited edition runs, with each bottle individually numbered.

Perfect serve – lemon peel & juniper berries

Gin MG 40%

Gin MG Bottle

A significant influence in shaping Spain’s gin scene, this is a must try gin. When it was released in 1940, it was the first Spanish gin made using the London Dry method. It’s a spicy little number with a Juniper punch. Dry with a hint of cinnamon on the finish. The Juniper is still collected by hand on the family farm that produces it. All round a tasty and subtle gin with hints of Juniper.

Perfect serve – a juicy lime.

Xoriguer 38%

Xorigeur Gin Bottle

Another Balearic gin, this time from Mahon in Menorca. Initially made for British sailors stationed on the island in the 18th century. It is now one of the best-selling gins in Europe. Made using distilled wine rather than the traditional grain alcohol, with a secret selection of herbs closely guarded by the Pons family. Then stored in Oak casks before bottling. With a citrussy herbal aroma with rosemary

Perfect serve – a wedge of lemon.

Le Tribute Gin 43%

Le Tribute Bottle

Made by the guys behind a personal favorite and award-winning Gin Mare, another belter of a gin! They have gone big on the botanicals with over seven distillations, juniper, lime, kumquat, lemon, pink and green grapefruit, mandarin, lemongrass, and bitter and sweet oranges! Another stand-out stylish bottle, this time rocking a retro medicine bottle look, to take pride of place in your collection. Producing a bright, vibrant, sharp, and fruity grapefruit-infused, herby gin with a hint of orange.

Perfect serve – a wedge of pink grapefruit

Gin Eva 45%

Gin Eva Bottle

Winner of the Best Spanish Gin at the World Gin Awards. Another gin from Mallorca, distilled with Mallorcan juniper berries and citrus fruits, combined with carefully selected herbs. Resulting in a big hit of orange and lemon offset with earthy juniper and eastern spice.

Perfect serve – orange zest

Nordes Gin 40%

Nordes Gin Bottle

Last and by no means least. Winner of five international gin awards, with golds, silvers, and bronze among them. It is an exciting gin made with the Albarino grape-based spirit rather than the traditional grain-based spirits. Combining 11 botanicals, including 6 local to Galicia, eucalyptus, lemon verbena, and samphone, giving a real taste of the sea. With lemongrass and lavender on the nose, mint lead, black tea, and floral spice with a firm and short juniper finish.

Perfect serve – lemon zest


If you are anything like me, you will always be on the lookout for your next new gins to try. This is a cracking list of Spanish gins that any gin lover needs to try and, for most, should become a permanent fixture in your drink’s cabinet!

 Go on, not as if you need an excuse to add to your collection.

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